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방송대 방통대 현대세계의이해와영어듣기 기말시험 2019년도 2학기 3학년 / 올에이클래스 기출문제 모의고사

by KIM, MIHEE / ΛllΛ™ 2024. 5. 16.
2019 학년도  2 학기  3 학년  35 문항
시험종류   :기말시험
출제위원   :방송대 신현욱
출제범위   :멀티미디어강의 및 인터넷보충학습 1~13강 (듣기평가범위 : 교재 5단원 "The Ecological Imagination in Overcoming the Division System", 5단원에서는 7문항의 듣기 문제만 출제됨)
자료출처   :한국방송통신대학교
웹앱제작   :올에이클래스 김현수
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36~42번 문제는 듣기평가 문제입니다. 글 전체의 맥락과 관련하여 들려준 해당 내용의 의미를 가장 잘 나타내는 보기를 고르세요. (2회 들려드립니다.)
(36~42) "The Ecological Imagination in Overcoming the Division System."
듣기평가가 종료되었습니다. 43번부터 70번까지는 필기시험입니다.
(43–44) “Guide for Globalization Debate”
43다음 밑줄 친 부분 중 사실과 거리가 것은?
“Globalization” is a term that ⓐ came into popular usage during the World War Ⅱ to describe ⓑ the increased movement of people, knowledge and ideas, and goods and moneyacross the national borders that has led to ⓓ increased interconnectedness among the world's populations, economically, politically, socially and culturally
44다음의 경향으로 인한 우려와 관계가 것은?
Globalization has increased transmission of popular culture easily and inexpensively from the developed countries of the North throughout the world.
(45–51) “America and the World”
45아래 빈칸에 적절한 것은?
I noted that Americans were very conscious of this unequal distribution of God's grace. I said that the United States had always defined itself, had always measured its blessings, by the yardstick of the world. (                        ).
(46–47) 다음을 읽고 답하시오.
(      ⓐ      ) is of course not a phenomenon limited to people in the United States. The citizens of almost every country are patriotic and often chauvinistic. Americans are aware of that, no doubt. But they nonetheless tend to note the fact that many people across the world wish to emigrate to the United States, and that no other locus of immigration seems to be quite as popular, and they take this as confirmation of their belief in (      ⓑ      ).
46위의 빈칸 ⓐ에 적절한 것은?
47위의 빈칸 ⓑ에 적절한 것은?
48다음 밑줄 친 ⓐ부분의 의미로 가장 적절한 것은?
Until that happened, Americans could afford to ignore ⓐ the verbal attacks so rampant in the world as the babblings of fools. But fools had now become villains. Furthermore, the villains had been initially successful, and this was the second great shock.
49아래 빈칸 ⓐ에 적절한 것은?
As a result, the world political agenda of the United States is no longer so warmly endorsed and is often clearly contested even by its allies, especially given the disappearance of the Soviet Union. What remains for the moment is (      ⓐ      )
50다음 빈칸 ⓐ, ⓑ에 공통으로 들어갈 것은? (문장 처음에 필요한 대문자 표기 사항은 신경 쓰지 말 것)
Let me suggest here another metaphor that comes from (      ⓐ      ). (      ⓑ      ) that are destroyed can be rebuilt. But will we rebuild them in the same way - with the same assurance that we are reaching for the stars and doing it right, with the same certainty that they will be seen as a beacon to the world?
51다음 빈칸 ⓐ, ⓑ에 공통으로 적절한 것은?
Osama bin Laden will soon be forgotten, but the kind of political violence we call (      ⓐ      ) will remain very much with us in the 30-50 years to come. (      ⓑ      ) is to be sure a very ineffective way to change the world. It is counterproductive and leads to counterforce, which can often wipe out the immediate set of actors. But it will nonetheless continue to occur.
(52–53) “E-mail Interview:Question to Wallerstein”의 전체 맥락에서 다음을 읽고 답하시오.
I think there is a strong tendency of many, perhaps most, Americans to be simultaneously ⓐ isolationist and ⓑ militarist that is, to ⓒ want to stay out of issues beyond their frontiers like Captain Ahab in his mad pursuit of Moby Dick and to ⓓ want to show that the United States is the strongest power in the world. The alternative, more ⓔ internationalist response of ⓕ participating in a world communityhas always been a majority view, although ⓗ one that has considerable support among educated, elite elements, who try by various means to persuade the majority.
52위의 ⓐ~ⓓ 중에서 본문의 맥락에 어울리지 않는 부분은?
53위의 ⓔ~ⓗ 중에서 본문의 맥락에 어울리지 않는 부분은?
(54–58) “The Future of Korea”
54아래 ⓐ~ⓓ 중에서 본문의 맥락에 적절하지 않은 부분은?
The central problem is ⓐ the division of the Korean peninsula, ⓑ an outcome of half a century of Japanese colonial rule and ⓒ a legacy of the incomplete character of independence resulting from US-Soviet division of Korea and the Korean Warthat has restored the China-centered East Asian regional order of the sixteenth to the eighteenth century.
(55~56) 다음은 한반도문제 해결의 두 가지 대조되는 입장에 대해 설명하고 있다. 읽고 답하시오.
Whereas ⓐ the first is predicated on regime change, ⓑ the second looks toward a softer, even peaceful transformation of the position of the two Koreas within a broader regional consensus. Without the agreement of the regional powers, above all the US and China, however, neither position can be effectively implemented.
55위의 ⓐ에 가장 밀접한 사항은?
56위의 ⓑ에 가장 밀접한 사항은?
57다음은 한반도 문제의 세 번째 입장에 대한 것이다. 맥락상 적절하지 않은 부분은?
There is a third alternative for the peninsula:that is ⓐ the maintenance of the status quo in Koreawith its high level of regional and global tensions, one that has persisted in essentials for more than half a century. ⓒ It may in fact be the preferred outcome of many regional actors including Russia, China and perhaps Japan, ⓓ who might favor a reunified peninsula more than a divided, and weakened Korea.
58다음에 대한 설명으로 가장 적절한 것은?
Prior to a peace treaty ending the Korean War, a US-North Korea and North Korea-South Korea détente, it seems inescapable that South Korean governments will continue to hedge their bets between strengthening the US-ROK relationship and further opening toward the North.
(59–66) “Technology as a Site and Object of Politics”
59다음과 가장 관계가 깊은 사항은?
In a tragic modern inversion of the myth, the US space shuttle Challenger exploded in 1986, killing all seven crewmembers aboard, when its stiff rubber O-rings failed to seal in the streaming hot gases during a launch in the unexpected cold of a late January morning in Florida.
60다음과 가장 관계가 깊은 사항은?
Aldous Huxley's 1932 novel Brave New World provides the canonical myth. Here we find humanity's craving for safety and order driven to pathological extremes.
(61–62) 다음을 읽고 답하시오.
Technologies earlier seen as safeguards against risk (( ⓐ ) to prevent injury or infection, for example) can suddenly reveal themselves as sources of unexpected danger. The sweeping in of so many million ( ⓑ ) into the purview of airport surveillance systems also points to ⓒ a fact about risk that social psychologists have noted for some time.
61위의 빈칸 ⓐ, ⓑ에 공통으로 들어갈 것은?
62위의 ⓒ에 해당되는 사항은?
63다음 빈칸 ⓐ에 적절한 것은?
Bruno Latour, calls attention to the regulative capacity of all sorts of mundane artifacts, such as the speed bump, or " (      ⓐ      ),” which serves in lieu of a human traffic controller.
(64–65) 다음을 읽고 답하시오.
Technologies of (      ⓐ      ), in particular, not only vastly expand the sphere of public deliberation, but through their power of reproduction they actually construct the masses, pressing people into shared and reductive ways of thought.
64위의 빈칸 ⓐ에 적절한 것은?
65위 인용문과 가장 관계가 깊은 사항은?
66다음 빈칸 ⓐ에 적절한 것은?
(      ⓐ      ) won a new etymological lease on life in the Final years of the twentieth century, when British advocacy groups attached the label “frankenfoods” to the products of the new agricultural biotechnologies, thereby implicitly characterizing them as monstrous hybrids, unfit for human consumption.
(67–70) “How Close to Catastrophe”

(67–68) 다음을 읽고 답하시오.
It holds that the earth is “(      ⓐ      )”.

㉠ a self-regulating system
㉡ made up from the totality of organisms, the surface rocks, the ocean and the atmosphere
㉢ tightly coupled as an evolving system and striving to regulate surface conditions
㉣ so as always to be as favourable as possible for contemporary life
67위의 이론과 직접적인 관련이 적은 것은?
68위의 ⓐ에 ㉠~㉣을 순서대로 넣는다면?
69다음의 빈칸 ⓐ에 적절한 것은?
Lovelock is a foe of ( ⓐ ) because, as he says, he doesn't want his Devon countryside overrun with windmills, placing him in the same camp as Cape Cod vacationers resistant to wind farms offshore in Nantucket Sound or Vermonters reluctant to see some of their high ridgelines dotted with towering turbines.
70다음 빈칸 ⓐ에 적절한 것은?
When I was in Tibet this summer, I repeatedly stumbled across the yak-skin tents of nomadic herders living in some of the most remote (and lofty) valleys in the world. They depended on yak dung, which they burned to cook food and heat their tents, and also often on a small ( ⓐ ) hanging off one side of the tent, powering a lightbulb and perhaps a radio inside.
