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방송대 방통대 현대세계의이해와영어듣기 기말시험 2014년도 2학기 3학년 / 올에이클래스 기출문제 모의고사

by KIM, MIHEE / ΛllΛ™ 2024. 5. 16.
2014 학년도  2 학기  3 학년  35 문항
시험종류   :기말시험
출제위원   :방송대 신현욱
출제범위   :멀티미디어강의 및 인터넷보충학습 1~13강 (듣기평가범위 : 교재 5단원 "The Ecological Imagination in Overcoming the Division System", 5단원에서는 7문항의 듣기 문제만 출제됨)
자료출처   :한국방송통신대학교
웹앱제작   :올에이클래스 김현수
(36~42)“The Ecological Imagination in Overcoming the Division System.” 36~42번 문제는 듣기평가 문제입니다. 글 전체의 맥락과 관련하여 들려준 해당 내용의 의미를 가장 잘 나타내는 보기를 고르세요. (2회 들려드립니다.)
(43~44) “Guide for Globalization Debate”
43'globalization'과 관계가 것은?
44아래 빈칸에 가장 적절한 것은?
These processes give rise to the question of whether (            ) can survive in its present form in the new global age. Is it adaptable, or will it gradually be replaced by emerging multinational or regional political entities?
(45~51) “America and the World”
45아래 밑줄 친 'They'로 적절한 것은?
They conspired for years to find ways to deal a deadly geopolitical blow to America and those they deemed its supporters around the world, and they did this in a way that required sacrificing their own lives.
46아래 빈칸에 적절한 것은?
And in the one arena where, up to 1945, we tended to admit that we were not the avant-garde of the world, the arena of (            ), has that not now all changed? Is New York not today the world center of art, of theater, of music performance, of dance, of opera?
47아래 빈칸에 적절한 것은?
To be sure, bin Laden is scarcely the first person to make this kind of verbal attack, but he was the first person who has been able to (            ).
48다음에 대한 설명으로 적절하지 않은 것은?
In the 1950s and 1960s, the U.S. seemed to be so strong that it could arrange, without too much difficulty and with a minimal use of force, that governments it did not like either could be neutralized (we called that containment) or, in the case of weaker governments, could be overthrown by internal forces supported covertly by the U.S. government, assisted occasionally by a little old-fashioned gunship diplomacy.
49다음의 밑줄 친 'them'이 의미하는 것은?
When we are in a “war” such as the “war on terrorism,” then neither the U.S. government nor the U.S. public can be counted on to defend these ideals, and not even the Supreme Court can be relied upon to hold fast to them in an “emergency.”
50다음의 밑줄 친 부분들 중 적절하지 않은 것은?
The reason of course is ⓐnot that there is absent a Voltairean streak in the American public, ⓑbut that sometimes we fear that our privileges are in danger of erosion or disappearance. And, ⓒin such cases, most people place ideals ahead of privilege.Once again, Americans are not unusual in this regard. They simply are more powerful and have more privileges.
51다음에 대한 설명으로 가장 적절한 것은?
And once we have trained ourselves to hear them and to believe that they too have ideals and interests, that they too have ideas and hopes and aspirations, then and only then perhaps shall we be ready to dialogue with the rest of the world, that is, with the majority of the world.
(52~53) “E-mail Interview:Question to Wallerstein”의 전체 맥락에서 다음을 읽고 답하시오.
I think the U.S. government has worked hard to keep the American people from asking themselves the kind of questions that might allow them to be less puzzled. I think they remain ⓐpuzzled and uneasy, but I also think most people are not sure why they feel uneasy. They are not sure whom to blame, and in the absence of clarity, they fall back on the norm of supporting the government in time of national danger.
52위의 ⓐ와 관계가 없는 것은?
53위의 내용과 거리가 것은?
(54~58) “The Future of Korea”
54아래 빈칸에 적절한 것은?
From 1970, however, (            ) paved the way for the reemergence of a regional order encompassing East Asia and the Pacific. The region's economic dynamism paved the way for region formation that crossed former divisions.
(55~56) 다음은 한반도문제 해결의 두 가지 상반된 입장 중 하나의 방법에 대해 언급하고 있다. 읽고 답하시오.
The second position, promoted by the Roh administration, and perhaps by China, prioritizes ( ⓐ ). As envisaged in the North-South Agreement of 2000 between Kim Dae Jung and Kim Jong-il, this would take the form of steps toward a Korean confederation leading eventually toward reunification.
55위의 ⓐ에 적절하지 않는 사항은?
56위의 입장에 부합하는 것을 고른다면?
57아래 빈칸에 적절한 것은?
The effort by North Korea to draw attention to its desire to reopen negotiations drew on the only weapon in its arsenal:(            ). The effect was indeed to call attention once again to the Korea question, and to demonstrate Korea's determination to resist attack.
58다음은 한반도 문제의 해결과 관련된 글이다. 아래 밑줄 친 ⓐ의 예로 적절하지 않은 것은?
Such measures can show the benefits of reconciliation and reciprocation for all parties, and build confidence for further restorative measures.
(59~66) “Technology as a Site and Object of Politics”
59다음은 기술에 대한 설명이다. 적절하지 않은 것은?
Technology. ⓐA composite of Greek techné (skill) and Icarus (study of), ⓑthe term as normally defined exudes utility and resists abstraction. It is, as most dictionaries tell us, simply ⓒthe use of established scientific principlesto solve practical problems.
(60~61) 다음을 읽고 답하시오.
For technology as design, we may turn again to ( ⓐ ), father of Icarus, the master builder who conceived ( ⓑ ), a maze so difficult to penetrate that it safely held the half-human, half-bull Minotaur, although it also prevented the escape of the youthful victims ritually led in to satisfy the monster's inhuman appetites.
60위의 빈칸 ⓐ에 적절한 것은?
61위의 빈칸 ⓑ에 적절한 것은?
(62~63) 다음을 읽고 답하시오.
Laptop computers are removed from their cases, pockets emptied of anything metallic, belts removed, coats and scarves piled into plastic trays, bags and packages put on the belt, and, most bizarre of all, ( ⓐ ) taken off in preparation for the owners' awkward passage through the rectangular arch of a metal detector.
62위는 무엇과 관계된 묘사인가?
63위의 빈칸 ⓐ에 가장 적절한 것은?
64다음의 빈칸 ⓐ에 가장 적절한 것은?
If the technocratic approach to risk management recommends sealed-off spaces for expert deliberation, the ( ⓐ ) response seeks rather to enlarge the role of public participation in decision-making about risk.
65다음은 무엇과 관련된 내용인가?
For anything to circulate productively in the world -- persons, goods, currency, services, scientific claims, technological artifacts -- people and institutions need to know the exact parameters of what is being exchanged.
66다음 빈칸에 적절한 것은?
British advocacy groups attached the label “(            )” to the products of the new agricultural biotechnologies, thereby implicitly characterizing them as monstrous hybrids, unfit for human consumption.
(67~70) “How Close to Catastrophe”
(67~68) 다음을 읽고 답하시오
The hypothesis holds that the earth is ( ⓑ ).

㉠ so as always to be as favourable as possible for contemporary life
㉡ and striving to regulate surface conditions
㉢ a self-regulating system
㉣ made up from the totality of organisms, the surface rocks, the ocean and the atmosphere tightly coupled as an evolving system
67위의 밑줄 친 ⓐ는 무엇인가?
68위의 ⓑ에 ㉠~㉣을 순서대로 넣는다면?
69다음은 무엇에 관한 주장인가?
We see those urban politicians [pushing wind power] as like some unthinking physicians who have forgotten their Hippocratic Oath and are trying to keep alive a dying civilization by useless and inappropriate chemotherapy when there is no hope of cure and the treatment renders the last stages of life unbearable.
70다음은 무엇을 말하고 있는가?
Our problem now is that there is no way forward, at least if we're serious about preventing the worst ecological nightmares, that doesn't involve working together politically to make changes deep enough and rapid enough to matter.
