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방송대 방통대 여행영어2 기말시험 2017년도 1학기 3학년 / 올에이클래스 기출문제 모의고사

by EOM, TAEJUN / ΛΙΙΛ™ 2023. 9. 15.
올에이클래스 이용안내 이미지입니다. 올에이클래스는 인터넷 익스플로러를 제외한 크롬엔진 기반의 브라우저에서만 원활히 이용가능합니다.
2017 학년도     1 학기     3 학년     25 문항
시험종류   :기말시험
출제위원   :방송대 장서연
출제범위   :교재, 멀티미디어강의 전 범위
자료출처   :한국방송통신대학교
웹앱제작   :올에이클래스 김현수


(36∼44) 다음 대화를 읽고 질문에 답하시오.
B:I have heard that Seoul is an amazing city. Can you tell me something about it?
A:Seoul is an amazing city. ⓐ To begin with, it has a very long history. Parts of modern day Seoul were settled over 3,000 years ago. It was the capital of Baekje over 2,000 years ago and has been the capital ⓑ 때때로 ever since.
             is the Han River, which flows east to west through the city. ⓓWe call the area north of the river (            ) and the area south of the river (            ). There are over 10 million people living in Seoul, so as you can imagine it is a pretty busy and crowded place. ⓔHaving said that, there are a lot of interesting things to see and do in and around Seoul. B:What is famous in Seoul?
A:Seoul ⓕ             its advanced technology and boasts the highest internet speeds in the world. Almost everybody carries a smartphone and is connected ⓖ            . The COEX shopping mall is the largest underground shopping complex in the world. Lotte World is ⓗ             indoor amusement park. N Seoul Tower is a highly visible landmark atop a mountain in central Seoul.
B:ⓘ            . I think I'll start with the Seoul City Tour Bus.
36ⓐ의 뜻으로 가장 바른 것은?
37ⓑ에 들어갈 표현으로 가장 바른 것은?
38“서울의 가장 중요한 특성 중 하나는∼”이라는 뜻이 되기 위해 ⓒ에 들어갈 표현으로 가장 바른 것은?
39“강의 북쪽은 강북이라고 부르고, 강의 남쪽은 강남이라고 불러요”의 뜻이 되기 위해 ⓓ의 빈칸에 들어갈 단어가 가장 바르게 짝 지워진 것은?
40ⓔ의 뜻으로 가장 바른 것은?
41“∼으로 유명하다.” 라는 뜻이 되기 위해 ⓕ에 들어갈 표현으로 가장 바른 것은?
42언제나, 일 년 내내라는 뜻이 되기 위해 ⓖ에 들어갈 표현으로 가장 바른 것은?
43“세계에서 두 번째로 큰”이라는 뜻이 되기 위해 ⓗ에 들어갈 표현으로 가장 바른 것은?
44“빨리 서울을 답사하고 싶네요.” 라는 뜻이 되기 위해 ⓘ에 들어갈 표현으로 가장 바른 것은?
(45∼50) 다음 대화를 읽고 질문에 답하시오.
B:Are there any important customs or polite etiquette that I should worry about?
A:Not really for visitors. Culturally, ⓐ            . Usually we eat as a family, with friends, or with colleagues from work. When eating with people who are clearly older than yourself, it is polite to wait for them to sit first and then when the food arrives allow them to start eating first. These are Korean customs and ⓑ(            ) follow along if you can but, in reality, I believe that most Korean people these days are happy if you just enjoy our food.
B:How about drinking with a meal?
A:Ah yes. Water is always served with your meal and is ⓒfree of charge as well. It is not uncommon to drink various types of tea with a meal also, like barley tea (bori cha) or corn tea (oksusu cha). At an evening meal, it is very common to drink alcohol. Beer and soju (Korean vodka) are probably the most common, but there is also a wide range of other Korean alcoholic beverages that are popular as well depending on the meal. ( ⓓ ), I quite like makgeolli, which is a traditional milky rice wine.
45위의 대화의 주제는 무엇입니까?
46본문의 설명과 다른 것은 무엇입니까?
47“한국인이 혼자 식사하는 것은 드물어요.”라는 뜻이 되기 위해 ⓐ에 들어갈 표현으로 가장 바른 것은?
48“하실 수 있다면 편하게 따르세요.”라는 뜻이 되기 위해 ⓑ에 들어갈 표현으로 가장 바른 것은?
49ⓒ의 표현과 비슷한 표현이 아닌 것은?
50“개인적으로, 저는 막걸리를 아주 좋아해요.” 라는 뜻이 되기 위해 ⓓ에 들어갈 표현으로 가장 바른 것은?
(51∼56) 다음 대화를 읽고 질문에 답하시오.
B:Where do people go to get away in Korea?
A:ⓐ            , Korea has a lot of mountains. Hiking has been really popular for a long time now, and we have some excellent national parks. Recently, cycling has become very popular and the government has done a great job establishing, maintaining, and extending the bike path network. Even camping has started to become more popular these days.
B:I have seen a lot of people riding bikes by the river. Is this the main place to go riding?
A:The Han River is certainly very popular ( ⓑ ) cycling, but can get very busy and crowded, especially on weekends. If you are interested in cycling then I would recommend cycling one of the paths out of Seoul or even travel to one of the national parks and go hiking and cycling there.
B:ⓒ             it's possible to cycle in the national parks?
51What has the Korean government done well in order to help promote cycling?
52“앞으로 보시겠지만~”이라는 뜻이 되기 위해 ⓐ에 들어갈 표현으로 가장 바른 것은?
53What leisure activity has been popular in Korea for a long time?
54“한강은 확실히 자전거 타기로 인기 있는 곳이다”이라는 뜻이 되기 위해 ⓑ에 들어갈 단어로 가장 바른 것은?
55“국립공원에서 자전거를 타는 게 가능하다는 말씀인가요?” 라는 뜻이 되기 위해 ⓒ에 들어갈 표현으로 가장 바른 것은?
56본문의 내용으로 미루어 볼 때 A가 앞으로 설명할 내용으로 가장 적절한 것은?
57괄호 안에 공통으로 들어갈 전치사는?
- If you are interested (            ) Joseon, then you must visit Donggureung, which is located (            ) Guri, Gyeonggi-do.
- Korea National Open University is located (            ) Daehak-ro.
(58∼59) 다음 대화를 읽고 질문에 답하시오.
B:DMZ? JSA? What does that mean?
A:The DMZ is the Demilitarized Zone and the JSA is the Joint Security Area. Because the two countries are still officially at war, there is a neutral area that separates the two countries. In July of 1953, the two sides signed an agreement that stopped the fighting but did not officially end the war. There is a place called Panmunjeom where the North and South can meet on neutral ground to discuss important matters. This is where you can see North Korean soldiers and literally stand on the northern side of the border. You will need your passport to be able to visit this venue, so please ⓐ            .
58본문의 설명과 일치하는 것은 무엇입니까?
59“꼭 기억해 두세요”라는 뜻이 되기 위해 ⓐ에 들어갈 표현으로 가장 바른 것은?
60As of 2015, how many Korean cultural sites are included on UNESCO's World Heritage List?
B:With Korea's long history are there any famous places that I should visit?
A:Absolutely. In fact there are a number of sites that have now been declared UNESCO World Heritage Sites for their significance. As of 2015, there are eleven in total, with the first three recognized in 1995. They include Haeinsa Temple, where the first Korean woodblocks for the printing press were found, Jongmyo Shrine, which was built to honor Joseon ancestors and the oldest of its kind, and Bulguksa Temple, which is an 8th century Buddhist temple with amazing sculpted images of the Buddha and other gods. The remaining eight include the Baekje Historic Areas, which was added in 2015, Changdeokgung Palace, 3 Dolmen Sites, Gyeongju Historic Areas, Hahoe and Yangdong Historic Villages, Hwaseong Fortress, Namhansanseong, and the Royal Tombs of Joseon. Do any of these sites interest you?

중복답안 가이드
A1, 2E2, 4I1, 3, 4
B1, 3F3, 4J2, 3, 4
C1, 4G1, 2, 3K1, 2, 3, 4
D2, 3H1, 2, 4

