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방송대 방통대 멀티미디어영어 기말시험 2019년도 1학기 1학년 / 올에이클래스 기출문제 모의고사

by AN, TAEMIN / ΛΙΙΛ™ 2024. 5. 4.
2019 학년도  1 학기  1 학년  35 문항
시험종류   :기말시험
출제위원   :방송대 이동국
출제범위   :멀티미디어 강의 8~15주차 (교재 Unit 6~9 해당)
자료출처   :한국방송통신대학교
웹앱제작   :올에이클래스 김현수
01빈칸에 들어갈 '직장에서'에 해당하는 가장 적절한 표현은?
Gina is having her own problems             . Her boss is very demanding and Gina feels overworked and under-appreciated.
02불만을 표시하는 문장을 시작하는 표현으로 빈칸에 적절한 것은?
                        , Gina, but I thought I asked you to bring me Mr. Clarke's portfolio. I don't like keeping my clients waiting like this.
03의미가 유사한 것끼리 연결되지 않은 것은?
04I just can't put up with any more of this.는 어디에 해당하는 표현인가?
05다음 중 Apologies가 아니라 Complaints에 해당하는 것은?
06문맥상 빈칸에 가장 적합한 표현은?
Now if I were really pleased about something, like my hockey team just scored a goal, then I'd put my hands together above my head and shout, “             !”. Maybe even jump up and down!
07문맥상 빈칸에 적절한 단어는?
We had gathered as a class in a downtown shopping mall for an activity in which the students were asked to take pictures of local people and buildings. As more and more students arrived at our meeting point, the local merchants became visibly (            ), standing at the entrance of their store with their arms folded and a worried expression on their faces. However, none of the students seemed aware of their reaction.
08교재 Unit 6의 Etiquette for Business Meals에 따를 때 다음 중 적절하지 않는 것은?
09아래의 전화 대화에서 문맥의 흐름상 어색한 부분은?
A:Hello, Human Resources. ➀ Mary speaking. How can I help you?
B:Hello. My name is Joanna Hughes and I'm calling about the secretarial position advertised in the newspaper.
A:Yes, we're looking for someone who can start right away ➁ on a part-time basis.
B:➂ Wouldn't you like to know!
A:Could you fax me your resume as soon as possible?
B:➃ I'd be happy to.
A:Thank you. We'll be in touch. Goodbye
10아래 대화의 결론으로 추론할 수 있는 것은?
A:I'd really prefer to go somewhere completely different. How do you feel about Australia?
B:Great, except it's winter down under right now.
A:Well, so much for that idea!
11빈칸에 들어갈 알맞은 단어는?
“You will have to sit somewhere             .”, said the waiter. “This table is reserved.”
12다음 중 Making Suggestions하는 표현이 아닌 것은?
13빈칸에 들어갈 가장 적절한 단어는?
I don't think you can              kayaking for fun and adventure.
14빈칸에 어울리는 적절한 표현은?
Sometimes I              with my friends and we have a wine and cheese party.
15아래 문장의 밑줄 친 표현들 중 어법에 맞지 않는 것은?
Every month, weather permitting, he goes on a weekend camping trip, sometimes with a friend, but more often for himself. Friday evening he leaves straight from work. His truck is packed with his tent, sleeping bag, fishing gear, and groceries, and his kayak is strapped to the top of his truck as well. By 7:30 p.m. he's close to his favorite lakeside camping site. As he sets up camp and lights a fire, he begins to relax.
16교재 Unit 7에서 추천하는 E-mail Etiquette는?
17교재 Unit 7의 Focus on Etiquette에 의하면 impolite한 예절은?
18아래의 trying의 의미와 가장 가까운 것은?
October was proving to be a trying time, and a surprise for both women was just around the corner.
19'그 나마 그게 최선이다'에 해당하는 숙어는?
You're right. I really hated that job. Maybe                         . Oh, I'd better phone that number and find out when I'm going to be paid.
20빈칸에 가장 적합한 표현은?
Don't                         . You tried your best even though you didn't win,” said the mother to her son.
21You're kidding! I can't believe it! You're joking!들은 다음 중 어디에 해당하는가?
22빈칸에 적합한 것은?
My younger son has lots of gifts of looks and talent and he sort of takes everything for                         .
23문장의 흐름으로 보아 빈칸을 채울 가장 적절한 내용은?
On her salary as a legal secretary, she has to support herself and her two small children. Child-support cheques from her ex-husband are erratic.                         , she has to work all day and then look after the children.
24교재 Unit 8에 나오는 다음 예절들은 어디에 해당하는가?
Look very upset.
Never lose your temper.
Be complimentary about the other person.
25ahead of time과 가장 유사한 의미를 가지는 것은?
26빈칸에 적절한 것은?
It's two weeks before Christmas and there is excitement                         .
27빈칸에 들어갈 선물을 받고 난 후 쓸 수 있는 표현을 고르시오.
An Italian phrase book. It's exactly what I need. I can't expect Gina to help me out all the time!                         , Uncle Lou.
28다음의 표현들이 공통적으로 해당하는 것은?
Glad to help out. Don't worry about it. Forget it.
29빈칸에 알맞은 것은?
A:Let's turn on the lights and see how it looks. Wow! What do you think, Uncle Lou?
B:Great stuff, girls! I'm hopeless (            ) this sort of thing.
30It takes time to                          a bad cold.에 들어갈 적절한 표현은?
31아래의 답을 유도하는 질문으로 적합한 것은?
I suppose I notice how individualistic people are. We're more group oriented.
32밑줄 친 부분의 의미와 가장 가까운 것은?
There's a need to keep up with the Joneses. Here, I don't feel the need to impress anyone.
33교재 Unit 9의 Cultural Commentary의 내용과 부합(True)하는 것은?
34다음 중 brochure의 의미와 가장 가까운 것은?
35Wedding and Baby Showers에 관한 설명이다. 빈칸에 적합한 것은?
Women especially like to arrange a party for their female friends where the bride or (            ) is “showered” with presents.
