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방송대 방통대 시사미디어영어 기말시험 2019년도 1학기 4학년 / 올에이클래스 기출문제 모의고사

by EOM, TAEJUN / ΛΙΙΛ™ 2023. 1. 19.
올에이클래스 이용안내 이미지입니다. 올에이클래스는 인터넷 익스플로러를 제외한 크롬엔진 기반의 브라우저에서만 원활히 이용가능합니다.
2019 학년도     1 학기     4 학년     35 문항
시험종류   :기말시험
출제위원   :방송대 이영음
출제범위   :멀티미디어강의 6~15강, 시험보기 2주 전 학과 공지사항 참조
자료출처   :한국방송통신대학교
웹앱제작   :올에이클래스 김현수


01'A fierce earthquake struck Haiti late Tuesday afternoon, causing a crowded hospital to collapse, leveling countless shantytown dwellings ....' 에서 밑줄 친 부분의 의미는?
02'The earthquake, with a magnitude estimated at 7.0, struck just before 5 p.m. about 10 miles southwest of Port-au-Prince, the United States Geological Survey said. Many              followed and more were expected, said David Wald, a Geological Survey seismologist.' 에서 전체적인 문맥을 볼 때 빈 칸에 들어갈 가장 적절한 용어는?
03'The electricity was out, telephones were not working and relief workers struggled to make their way through streets blocked by rubble.'에서 알 수 있는 내용은?
04'Haiti sits on a large fault that has caused catastrophic quakes in the past, but this one was described as among the most powerful to hit the region.'에서 밑줄 친 부분의 의미를 가장 적절하게 표현한 것은?
05'...the expectation was that the quake caused major damage to buildings and significant loss of life'에서 밑줄 친 부분을 대체할 수 있는 용어는?
06'Most of Haiti lies on the Gonave microplate, a sliver of the earth's crust between the much larger North American              to the north and the Caribbean              to the south.'에서 밑줄 친 부분을 참조할 때 밑줄 친 부분에 들어갈 가장 적합한 용어는?
07'The earthquake, the worst in the region in more than 200 years, left the country in a shambles.' 에서 밑줄 친 부분의 의미와 가장 유사한 것은?
08“CNN Drops to Last Place Among Cable News Networks” 문장의 의미를 가장 적절하게 해석한 것은?
(9∼10) 다음 문장을 읽고 아래의 질문에 답변하시오.
'CNN, which invented the cable news network more than two decades ago, will ⓐhit a new competitive low with its prime-time programs in October, ⓑfinishing fourth - and last - among the cable news networks with the audience that all the networks rely on for their advertising.'
09밑줄 친 ⓐ의 의미로 가장 적절한 것은?
10밑줄 친 ⓑ의 의미로 가장 적절한 것은?
(11∼12) 다음 문장을 읽고 아래의 질문에 답변하시오.
'Three of its four shows ⓐbetween 7 and 11 p.m. finished fourth and last among the cable news networks. That was the first time ⓑCNN had finished that poorly with its prime-time shows.'
11ⓐ 부분을 가리키는 가장 적절한 용어는?
12ⓑ 문구가 의미하는 것으로 가장 적절한 것은?
13'CNN averaged 202,000 viewers between the ages of 25 and 54 - the group that television news organizations use as their basis of success because of their advertising sales.'에서 밑줄 친 부분이 갖는 의미는?
14'Scott Brown was sworn into the Senate Thursday, having overcome huge disadvantages in his race last month against Massachusetts Attorney General Martha Coakley.'의 밑줄 친 부분을 대체할 수 있는 가장 적절한 용어는?
15'The Brown campaign employed iPhone apps, YouTube videos, hash tags and Facebook to turn a longshot, shoestring campaign into a much broader political movement.'의 밑줄 친 부분에서 알 수 있는 당시 후보자의 상황을 표현하는 가장 적절한 문구는?
16'As a result, Brown's name recognition zoomed in the closing days of the race, to 95% in a Jan. 14 survey from 51% in a Nov. 12 survey by Suffolk University.'에서 알 수 있는 것이 아닌 것은?
17'A year after Barack Obama relaunched America's relations with the world's rogue states, the verdict is in: from Burma to North Korea, Venezuela to Iran, the outstretched hand has been met with the (            )... Engagement has failed...'에서 밑줄 친 부분을 참고할 때 괄호 안에 들어갈 가장 적절한 문구는?
18'The world that created 'rogue states' is gone, and the sooner Washington recognizes it, the better.'에서 밑줄 친 부분의 의미를 가장 적절하게 풀이한 것은?
19'Today it's clear that the "international community" defined by Western values is a fiction, and that for many states the term "rogue" might just as well apply to the United States as to the renegades it seeks to isolate.'에서 밑줄 친 부분과 유사한 의미를 지닌 구문은?
20'Today countries large and small, well behaved and not, are looking for (            ), not patrons.'에서 괄호 안에 들어갈 가장 적절한 용어는?
(21∼22) 다음 문장을 읽고 아래 질문에 답하시오.
Where Washington looks to punish rogues, seeking immediate changes in behavior, rival powers are stepping in with investment and defense contracts, and offering a relationship based on dignity and respect. This is the story of China in Burma, Russia in Iran, Brazil in Cuba, and so on down the line.
21밑줄 친 'rival powers'에 해당되는 행동이 아닌 것은?
22밑줄 친 'rival powers'에 해당되는 국가는?
23'Merrill Lynch — original address, back in 1914, 7 Wall Street, and you can't get more New York blue-blooded than that — is now owned by a bank headquartered in Charlotte, N.C.'에서 밑줄 친 부분은 이 문장의 어떤 문구와 관련이 있는가?
24“Still, here's the headline for the city that thinks of itself as the financial capital of the world: It could have been a lot worse.”에서 밑줄 친 부분의 의미로 가장 적절한 것은?
25'For the past 40 years, Americans have looked at Asia's phenomenal economic growth and asked, what are they doing right, and what are we doing wrong?' 에서 밑줄 친 부분에서 볼 수 있는 미국의 시각은?
26'China only started growing when the overbearing government got out of the way and allowed (            ) enterprise, both Chinese and foreign, to thrive.'에서 괄호 안에 들어갈 가장 적절한 용어는?
27'In the 1980s, when Japan was Asia's rising giant, some said its state-led economic system, in which bureaucrats "picked winners" by targeting industries for special support, was better than the more laissez-faire practices of the West.'에서 밑줄 친 부분의 의미로 가장 적절한 것은?
28'To Pepsi, and to companies around the world, the days when mass-market media is the sole vehicle to reach an audience are officially over.' 에서 알 수 있는 것은?
29'These days, viral marketing seems like a smart strategy.' 에서 밑줄 친 부분과 가장 관련이 있는 것은?
30'Instead of pouring millions of dollars into a Super Bowl commercial, Pepsi has started a social-media campaign to promote its "Pepsi Refresh" initiative.' 에서 밑줄 친 것을 무엇이 대체했는가?
31'Pepsi's sales will determine whether the company is blowing a golden opportunity by skipping this year's Super Bowl and whether goodwill actually increases the bottom line.'에서 알 수 있는 것이 아닌 것은?
32'In fact, 40 percent of all cancer is (            ) and one-third can be cured if detected early and treated effectively.'에서 (            )에 들어갈 적절한 용어는?
33'The human costs of cancer are heartbreaking, but the economic costs are nearly as staggering.' 에 해당되지 않는 것은?
34'North Korea resumed firing near its sea border with South Korea'에서 밑줄 친 부분으로 보아 알 수 있는 상황은?
35It's unbelievably great ... way better than a laptop.' 의 밑줄 친 용어의 의미는?

중복답안 가이드
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B1, 3F3, 4J2, 3, 4
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