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방송대 방통대 영미산문 기말시험 2019년도 1학기 2학년 / 올에이클래스 기출문제 모의고사

by BAE, JUNHO / ΛΙΙΛ™ 2024. 5. 4.
2019 학년도  1 학기  2 학년  35 문항
시험종류   :기말시험
출제위원   :방송대 김보원
출제범위   :10, 11강을 제외한 멀티미디어강의 전체
자료출처   :한국방송통신대학교
웹앱제작   :올에이클래스 김현수
36다음 발췌문이 포함된 작품의 제목은?
Over the intervening years, I've often felt guilty about my afternoon at the Plaza, and many years ago, during Parnell's investigation of writers, my feeling sometimes took the form of a guilt sequence in which I imagined myself on the stand, in the committee room, being questioned.
37Asian American의 경험을 주요 작품의 소재로 선택한 한국계 미국작가로 에세이 “Coming Home Again”의 작가는?
다음은 Martin Luther King, Jr.의 연설문의 한 대목이다. 잘 읽고 물음에 답하시오. (38∼41)
When this happens, when we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every village and every ⓐhamlet from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of ⓑthe old Negro spiritual, “Free at last; free at last! Thank God almighty, we are free at last!”
38이 연설문의 제목은?
39ⓐ가 가리키는 것은?
40ⓑ를 우리말로 바르게 옮긴 것은?
41King 목사가 이 연설에서 주장하는 바와 일치하는 것은?
42King 목사의 연설에 대한 다음 설명에서 빈칸에 어울리는 말은?
Martin Luther King, Jr. says he has a dream that his four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by                         .
43“On the Philosophy of Hats”에서 주장하는 내용과 가장 거리가 것은?
다음은 “On the Philosophy of Hats”의 한 대목이다. 물음에 답하시오. (44∼45)
In the same way, ⓐ                         looks at life through the keyhole of his counting-house. The world to him is an "emporium," and he judges his neighbour by the size of his plate glass. And so with the financier. When one of the Rothschilds heard that a friend of his who had died had left only a million of money he remarked:"Dear me, dear me! I thought he was quite well off." His life had been a failure, because he had only put a million by for ⓑ a rainy day.
44ⓐ에 어울리는 말은?
45ⓑ를 우리말로 바르게 옮긴 것은?
46“Adolf”의 줄거리와 일치하지 않는 것은?
다음은 “Adolf”의 한 대목이다. 잘 읽고 물음에 답하시오. (47∼49)
That's a rabbit all over—insolence, and the white flag of spiteful derision. Yes, and he keeps his flag flying to the bitter end, ⓐ sporting, insolent little devil that he is. See him running ⓑ for his life. Oh, how his soul is fanned to an ⓒ ecstasy of fright, a fugitive whirl-wind of panic. Gone mad, he throws the world behind him, with astonishing hind legs. He puts back his head and lays his ears on his sides and rolls the white of his eyes in ⓓ sheer ecstatic agony of speed.
47ⓐ와 의미가 가장 가까운 단어를 윗글에서 찾으면?
48ⓑ를 우리말로 바르게 옮긴 것은?
49ⓒ와 ⓓ에 공통으로 활용된 수사법은?
50에세이 “Adolf”의 주제를 아이러니로 가정할 때 가장 적절한 설명은?
다음은 “On National Prejudices”의 한 대목이다. 잘 읽고 물음에 답하시오. (51∼53)
Let a man's birth be ever so high, his station ever so exalted, or his fortune ever so large, yet if he is not free from national and other ⓐ             , I should make bold to tell him, that he had a low and vulgar mind, and had no just claim to the character of a gentleman. And in fact, you will always find that those are most apt to boast of national merit, who have little or no merit of their own to depend on, than which, to be sure, nothing is more natural:ⓑ the slender vine twists around the sturdy oak for no other reason in the world but because ⓒ             .
51ⓐ에 어울리는 단어는?
52ⓑ의 비유가 지칭하는 것은?
53ⓒ에 어울리는 어구는?
54“Afternoon of an American Boy”의 줄거리와 일치하지 않는 것은?
다음은 “Afternoon of an American Boy”의 한 대목이다. 잘 읽고 물음에 답하시오. (55∼57)
In the four years I was in the Mount Vernon High School, I never went to a school dance and I never took a girl to a drugstore for a soda or to the Westchester Playhouse or to the Proctor's. I wanted to do these things but did not have the nerve. ⓐWhat I finally did manage to do, however, and what is the subject of this memoir, was far brassier, far gaudier. As an exhibit of teen-age courage and ⓑineptitude, it never fails to amaze me in retrospect. I am not even sure it wasn't ⓒ             .
55ⓐ가 가리키는 것은?
56ⓑ를 우리말로 바르게 옮긴 것은?
57윗글의 주제, 배경과 관련하여 빈칸 ⓒ에 어울리는 단어는?
58“Afternoon of an American Boy”의 소재를 가장 적절하게 나타낸 것은?
다음은 “My Wood”의 한 대목이다. 물음에 답하시오. (59∼60)
They point out what is perfectly obvious, yet seldom realized:that if you have a lot of things you cannot move about a lot, that furniture requires dusting, dusters require             ,              require insurance stamps, and the whole tangle of them makes you think twice before you accept an invitation to dinner or go for a bathe in the Jordan.
59위 대목은 '소유의 4중관' 중 어느 것과 관한 내용인가?
60빈칸에 공통으로 어울리는 단어는?
61엣세이 “My Wood”에서 '숲'이 상징하는 바는?
62“Coming Home Again”의 내용과 일치하지 않는 것은?
다음은 “Coming Home Again”의 한 대목이다. 잘 읽고 물음에 답하시오.(63∼65)
He was driving the car, looking straight ahead. Traffic was light on the Massachusetts ⓐ Turnpike, and the sky was nearly dark. ⓑ They had driven for more than two hours and had not yet spoken a word. He then heard a strange sound from her, a kind of muffled chewing noise, as if something inside her were grinding its way out.
“So, what's the matter?” he said, trying to keep an edge to his voice.
63ⓐ를 우리말로 바르게 옮긴 것은?
64ⓑ의 두 사람의 관계는?
65위의 사건이 발생한 시점은?
66“Coming Home Again”의 어조를 가장 바르게 나타낸 것은?
67밑줄 친 어구를 우리말로 옮긴 것 중 잘못된 것은?
She ➀ scored it diagonally, then ➁ sifted sugar into the crevices with her pinched fingers, gently rubbing in the crystals. The sugar would ➂ tenderize as well as sweeten the meat. She did this with each rib, and then set them all aside in a large shallow bowl. She ➃ minced a half-dozen cloves of garlic, a stub of gingerroot, sliced up a few scallions, and spread it all over the meat.
68Walden의 저자가 New England에 세워야 한다고 주장하는 “the uncommon school”의 개념을 바르게 설명한 것은?
다음은 “Walden:Reading”의 한 대목이다. 잘 읽고 물음에 답하시오. (69∼70)
We boast that we belong to the Nineteenth Century and are making the most rapid strides of any nation. But consider how little this village does for its own culture. I do not wish to flatter my townsmen, nor to be flattered by them, for that will not advance either of us. We need to be provoked — goaded like oxen, as we are, into             .
69빈칸에 어울리는 단어는?
70윗글에서 주장하는 바를 바르게 나타낸 것은?
